Wednesday 4 August 2010

Walk from St Erth

Here's a lovely walk, anytime of the year, which the dog can be off the lead all the way round. It can be done either way and the views are wonderful. A pint of beer in the Star Inn is a great way to end. You might even meet Hector and some of his friends there!

The walk will take about an hour but have plenty of time to stop take in the view. Fairly easy going, but if you start off going down the river you have one steep climb to do. Other way round and the climbing is easier.


Park by the church in St Erth, walk across the lovely old bridge and you will pick up the path going along the river bank. Walk along the path, which is a real delight. There is an excellent Duck Race every Good Friday, organised by the Feast Committee, along the river which worth seeing if you are about over the Easter break. The river bank is a delight, but well used by other dog walkers, bikes, horses etc. So just take it easy and once you are past the second bridge the numbers start thinning out.

Carry on along the river - past the weir the path will narrow and and an old mill, now a private house comes into view. Not long after this you will see a concrete narrow foot bridge crossing the river. Take it and you will find yourself at the bottom and the end of Portcallum Lane. This lovely old lane slowly winds it self up a steep hill, past some houses and at the top turns sharply to the right.

Stop - catch your breath and on your left there is a big old gate leading onto an unmade up track. After shutting the gate behind you, look out and the reward of a wonderful view spreads out in front of you. St Erth is nestled in the valley and over to the right id Lelant Church and Porth Kidney sands. Towards the other direction you can make out St Michaels Mount.

Follow the track gently down hill until it comes to an end by a large field to the right. A foot path goes along the top edge of this field and then in corner you'll see a coffin stile leading to a sunken path. This path is wonderful and the views are just stunning.

The path splits at the corner of the beginnings of a garden - follow the path up the side of the property. The house now on your left is the home of Geoffery Bickely a good friend and a carver of see birds. Knock on the door and he will love to show you his work. He will also sell you eggs and asparagus! Now follow the lane up the slight hill and as the lane bends to the right you will see another coffin stile running by the side of a horses field. Take this and you are now on a well defined footpath that goes across a some fields and gently brings you back into St Erth.

For those who cannot resist turn into Church Road and the pubs at the top - enjoy.

Thursday 22 July 2010

A lovely morning walk on Porth Kydney sands

Length 2-3 miles depending on tide and how the mood takes you, so about an hour
Dog friendly all year

This is a lovely walk an one of the best beaches in the world! Hector enjoys this most mornings and has many friends who he meets along the way. Best at low tides


Park up by Lelant Church and head off along the footpath marked Carbis Bay. You will go across the golf course, so Hector is normally on the lead. Also the path goes under the St Ives railway, where sadly dogs after rabbits have met a sad end, so keep under control.

The path heads down to the beach with steep steps going down by the beach house, once owned by the artist John Miller.

Your now on the beach, turn left and head along to what the locals call 'round the corner'. You'll see Godrefy lighthouse appear and then decide where you want to go.

Hector normally likes to go all the way down to the sea, then play in the waves, chase gulls and demand the ball to chase.

In the summer you will see fish jumping in the surf. Walk all along towards Carbis Bay, then head towards the sand dunes, always called the Towans.

Find the last steep path up and join the South West Coast Path back towards Lelant.

Another dog word of warning: The Towans are full of Adders basking in the summer and the bite can be fatal to dogs. So again I keep Hector on a lead.

If you do not fancy heading up the Towans stay on the beach and enjoy until everyone is ready to go home.


Free sample packs

We know your dog will love Hungry Hector treats, that we are giving away free samples of the range.

All you need to do is visit our website and register as a friend and the sample pack will be on its way.

Vacuum sealed fresh from Cornwall.

Thursday 1 July 2010

Hungry Hector website

I know lots of people are asking but we are building this as fast as possible! Matt from Fluid Designs is doing a great job, but we want to get it right. We aim to launch at the beginning of August. Meanwhile if you want to buy the treats email, and we will sort things out for you.

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Yummy freshly made dog treats from Cornwall

Hi my name is Hector, I am a PBGV living in St Erth in Cornwall. These yummy dog treats are named after me, I just love them and I am very proud of them!

These are a must for your dog! No added salts, sugars or preservatives. Just locally and responsibly sourced ingredients and so good for your dog. What's more they are Gluten free.

How to buy and more information

E-mail for how to buy or visit:

Six Yummy flavours to choose from:

Yummy liver cake £3.95 150gm pack

This is my favourite training treat, perfect for rewarding positive behaviour when out walking.
Made with Hampson's Ox liver, Doves Brown Rice Flour, Leedstown farm free range eggs.

Mouthwatering Cornish Pasty Bites £3.95 150gm pack

We have gone and done it! A cornish Pasty dog treat. Made with Hampson's Beef dripping, their fresh minced beef, local swede and Doves Brown Rice flour.

Just mouthwatering and for those special occasions.

Scrummy Mackerel Flapjack £3.95 150gm pack

Fish is just so good for dogs and these treats are the business! Made with fresh Newlyn Mackerel and organics oats and then fished shaped just for the fun of it.

Hector loves these and his shiny coat is the proof.

Lush Lamb and Mint £3.95 150gm pack

Lamb and mint is loved by dogs just as much as their owners. Mint is a great herb for dogs and we make these softy little taste bombs heart shaped because they deserve it.

Made with our own stock, Hampson's lamb, Ali's fresh mint, Doves Brown Rice flour and Leedstown free range egg

Lush Aniseed, liver and carrot £3.95 150gm pack

Aniseed is the catnip for dogs. Used in scent training and dogs just love the smell and taste. So these treats are for the 'well done' at the end of a good walk, or that little extra after a meal. Delicious wholesome and once again gluten free.

Made with Hampson's Ox liver, Doves Brown Rice Flour, Local carrot, Leedstown farm eggs, aniseed powder.

Exceptional Dark secrets 3.95 150gm pack

These dark round treats hold a secret, activated charcoal and mint. These treats are great for the digestive system, removes the smell from the dogs pooh and with the mint makes the breath smell fresh. Use daily for tip top condition. Great for dogs in kennels.

Too good to be true Variety Pack £3.95 150gm pack

Cannot make up your mind?
Try our variety pack for the best of everything!