Wednesday 4 August 2010

Walk from St Erth

Here's a lovely walk, anytime of the year, which the dog can be off the lead all the way round. It can be done either way and the views are wonderful. A pint of beer in the Star Inn is a great way to end. You might even meet Hector and some of his friends there!

The walk will take about an hour but have plenty of time to stop take in the view. Fairly easy going, but if you start off going down the river you have one steep climb to do. Other way round and the climbing is easier.


Park by the church in St Erth, walk across the lovely old bridge and you will pick up the path going along the river bank. Walk along the path, which is a real delight. There is an excellent Duck Race every Good Friday, organised by the Feast Committee, along the river which worth seeing if you are about over the Easter break. The river bank is a delight, but well used by other dog walkers, bikes, horses etc. So just take it easy and once you are past the second bridge the numbers start thinning out.

Carry on along the river - past the weir the path will narrow and and an old mill, now a private house comes into view. Not long after this you will see a concrete narrow foot bridge crossing the river. Take it and you will find yourself at the bottom and the end of Portcallum Lane. This lovely old lane slowly winds it self up a steep hill, past some houses and at the top turns sharply to the right.

Stop - catch your breath and on your left there is a big old gate leading onto an unmade up track. After shutting the gate behind you, look out and the reward of a wonderful view spreads out in front of you. St Erth is nestled in the valley and over to the right id Lelant Church and Porth Kidney sands. Towards the other direction you can make out St Michaels Mount.

Follow the track gently down hill until it comes to an end by a large field to the right. A foot path goes along the top edge of this field and then in corner you'll see a coffin stile leading to a sunken path. This path is wonderful and the views are just stunning.

The path splits at the corner of the beginnings of a garden - follow the path up the side of the property. The house now on your left is the home of Geoffery Bickely a good friend and a carver of see birds. Knock on the door and he will love to show you his work. He will also sell you eggs and asparagus! Now follow the lane up the slight hill and as the lane bends to the right you will see another coffin stile running by the side of a horses field. Take this and you are now on a well defined footpath that goes across a some fields and gently brings you back into St Erth.

For those who cannot resist turn into Church Road and the pubs at the top - enjoy.

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